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15 Dec 2014

Center for Social Impact (CSI) 
Alumni Day - Perth Museum

5th December 2014

What a delight it was to share in the celebration of CSI - 4 years on. As one of the inaugural cohort in the Post Graduate Certificate in Social Impact - UWA Business School. It was wonderful to meet up with some of those from 2011 and others since graduated. Those who organised the event must have been very pleased with the outcome.

Back Row: Rebecca, Heiko, Galen and Devika
Front Row: Viti, Sonia, Louise and Kathryn
Nicola Forrest was the guest speaker and provided an insight into the Minderoo Foundation . In particular, the project linked to early childhood education and the Foundations work with the Challis Early Childhood Centre located at Challis Primary School in Armadale, Perth. I am always inspired when the focus is on creating social change/social impact. Such topics provide a wonderful platform to share the diversity of activity that has emerged or emerging in our State connected to philanthropy in its many forms.
Nicola Forrest -
West Australian of the Year Community Award 
As part of the days celebrations the alumni were offered the opportunity to present on the projects or work that alumni have taken up or being part of since graduating. I had just returned from my trip to Nepal so spoke about my philanthropic work linked to the Hands with Hands Organisation since 2010. In particular, work linked to their Jutpani Microfinance Finance Cooperative. All of those involved with the organisation provide their contribution probono.   

Erin Pope Curtin University student, Kira Kay Co-Founder
Hands with Hands, Viti and Nina Cejinar Social Investment
heading off on the bus from Kathmandu to Microfinance
project in Chitwan District.
The format for presentations was new to all involved and I was fascinated how the eight alumni presented throughout the day with a brief of: 20 slides with a 20 second narrative in between each one. 
Viti and Claire Stokes one of the organisers of the event.
That afternoon alumni were listed into four groups and met with four Not-For-Profit organisations who had submitted an issue that they were grappling with. Members of our group: listened, discussed, questioned, gained further clarity and then provided a way forward for the service group representatives from 'Collaborate WA' to consider. A very beneficial process for all involved.

A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
I look forward to 'communicating' in the New Year.

3 Dec 2014

Day 24 

Kevin Rohan Memorial Eco Foundation - Part 2

Waldorf Inspired Education: 

What an opportunity this was to see education as a central pillar of this Foundation and the villages it supports.  Aiming for self-sustainability is a long term goal and the organisation continues to work towards this aim. Local craftsmen and women are employed in the building of educational, health and other facilities.

As part of the organisations philosophy they highlight particular issues - Example:
ISSUE: Deforestation
IMPACT: Soil Erosion 
SUSTAINABLE CHANGE: Developing Bio Briquettes and Bio Dynamic Gardening.

After we had been shown around the Foundation we then headed out into the village and saw children playing in a play ground which was built by a volunteer group from Switzerland.

Just down the road was the new Center Kinder Garten. We could hear the voices as we walked towards this facility as the children were waiting on the top decking to be picked up or transported back to their village.

The same material used as the Bottle House in the previous post was clearly evident.

Eco friendly bottle building is one of the Foundations initiatives - Collecting and using these materials in their construction of 'community spaces, orphanages and schools'.

Love this greeting.
Waiting for their family members to pick them up.
Packed in the mini bus ready 
to be transported to their respective village.

Across the road was the development of their new Pre-School facility. Once again using the same materials and the opportunity for local employment. Facilities are built when funding is available.
Pre-School being built.
Inside the classroom.
Just had to share the view from the classroom
with the Himalayan mountain range 
in the background.
One of the Foundations Social Enterprises which
generates an income.
Arriving back in Kathmandu - 
People, pollution and traffic.

The next day the group were invited back to Di Pendra's home (Nepali Businessman and Co-Founder of Hands with Hands) to share a meal with his family in Kathmandu. It was a poignant way to spend the last evening with the group.Whilst sharing their hospitality Di Pendra asked each us what we had learnt from our time in Nepal.
Our responses centered around being inspired by the changes that have taken place since we last visited and what our plans were for the future in regards to the organisation. 

Culturally it is not appropriate for individuals to talk about what they do or to promote themselves. This is provided by others to talk about the achievements or contribution of individuals. In contrast to the developed world.

It has been a privilege to share this month in Nepal with you and my intent is to continue blogging - once a week.
Thank you for your interest and support.