The above question is part of a quote which I have recently inserted into my manuscript.
The author is Bidois, E. whose explanation of Whakapapa, 2006 on the 10th October captures my endeavours in researching and writing this book.
What has emerged - seven months on with writing - is an emerging pattern. I have anchored five sections of my book - each with sub-headings. Section two (2) onwards is a known from, "Whom Do I come?" My mother's English maternal heritage was very influential during my formative years. I recall during my early adult years father saying, you were going to live in a white man's world daughter so to him it made sense that their influence was beneficial.
On the other hand, Angela Wanhalla's book, ‘Matters of the Heart" provides a broader study of interracial marriages which I have found immensely beneficial and thought-provoking.
"By marrying a white man, a Maori woman was engaged in the project of assimilation..." and then goes on to reveal " had to involve a man of respectability who had the capacity to educate and 'civilise' his wife."
However, "greatest public scrutiny was reserved for those Pakeha women who married across racial lines." Which were the experience of my parent's case and many others as I recall during the 1940's and beyond?
What has become evident in my research is the stark contrast of women's longevity in cross-cultural families. My research to date shows that father's maternal Tupuna's and sisters - all bar one - did not have the longevity of life like my mother's side. That, of course, is another story!
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Sourced on 31 July 2019 from and map generated by NASA's World Wind program |
The above Hokianga harbour and its estuaries generated by NASA provides an overview of some of the communities and towns that my manuscript is interwoven. Whirinaki and Pakanae located on the right-hand side of the harbour entrance and opposite the sand hills (on the left) and further North are the communities which my Tupuna are associated with.
The intent is to return to posting more regularly as I move towards the completion of my manuscript.
In the interim take care.
Best wishes