A week like no other
14th - 18th November
The 7th Biennial
International Indigenous Research Conference 2016
Hosted by The University of Auckland
New Zealand Maori Research Centre of Research Excellence.
Day 1: Monday 14th Pre-Conference Indigenous Early Career/Post-Graduate Workshop Programme.
'To provide opportunities for networking and to discuss theory, methods, academic experiences, and good practices for publishing. The discussion will be a mix of informal, interactive and round-table sessions led by Indigenous academics.'
What I am looking forward to throughout the day is to gain an understanding if my research projects over the last 13 years have incorporated an Indigenous 'way of seeing things'. My cross-cultural back ground and departure from the New Zealand - which shaped my formative years has been replaced by a very different context over the last 4 decades spent in Australia. This in itself disrupts but does it change the way we interact with our new environments from an Indigenous perspective?
Or do we retain those earlier influences in our approach to research projects immaterial of where we live or the influences that continue to shape and mold us over time. I look forward to building upon this knowing in the coming days.

Will this advise align with my own self-publishing with my approach to both resource book? The first book was self-published in 2013 and my second in 2016.
Copies will be available at the Conference - Mob: 0428 174 546
and Email: viti@bearfruit.com.au if interested.
I will be presenting at the Conference on Wednesday 16th November ARTS
206 Room 217 in the morning parallel Session A4 10:15am - 12:15pm.
My presentation focuses on Microfinance empowering women, families and communities in rural Nepal.
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